SaaniO Updates

CSA Box Newsletter - February 6

In this weeks box you'll find potatoes (or salad), cilantro, cabbage, kale, carrots, leeks, rutabaga, and winter squash. Welcome back to a new season of Saanich Organics! Keep reading to...

CSA Box Newsletter - February 6

In this weeks box you'll find potatoes (or salad), cilantro, cabbage, kale, carrots, leeks, rutabaga, and winter squash. Welcome back to a new season of Saanich Organics! Keep reading to...

Seed of the Week - Sunrise Bumblebee Tomato

Seed of the Week - Sunrise Bumblebee Tomato

Sunrise Bumblebee tomato is a new variety that was grown for seed here on Northbrook Farm on the Saanich Peninsula in the summer of 2023. We at Saanich Organics are...

Seed of the Week - Sunrise Bumblebee Tomato

Sunrise Bumblebee tomato is a new variety that was grown for seed here on Northbrook Farm on the Saanich Peninsula in the summer of 2023. We at Saanich Organics are...