CSA: Community Supported Agriculture


How does CSA work?

Crunchy carrots and luscious greens are among the delicious surprises that await home delivery subscribers each week as they share in the year round, seasonal harvest from our Saanich Peninsula organic farms. Our farmer-run box program provides local, certified organic produce to Victoria families year round for home delivery or pick-up at our farms.

What’s in the box?

Members receive a selection of 7 to 9 different seasonal organic fruits and vegetables, picked the day before delivery, either every week or every second week. This represents the best from the harvest of 3 to 5 organic farms, sometimes including produce from neighbouring farms that are in the transitional period of becoming certified organic. The produce arrives in a locally made wooden box, accompanied by a newsletter that includes delicious recipes, information, and news from the farms. 

When do I get my box?

We deliver on Tuesdays or Fridays (and Wednesdays in Seasons 2 and 3), depending on your neighbourhood. When you sign up, our box coordinator will let you know which route you’ll be on.

Our CSA runs year-round except for a six-week winter break. The year is divided into three ‘seasons,’ roughly twelve weeks each. Season One is bi-weekly only, but for Seasons Two and Three you can choose a weekly or biweekly box, delivered to your home or picked up from our farms.

The first delivery is in early February, and continues until mid-December. 

Where do you deliver?

We deliver to Victoria, Sidney, Saanichton and View Royal. 

We offer farm pick-up at a reduced rate from 1438 Mt Newton Cross Rd, Saanichton or 565 Wootton Rd, Metchosin.

If unable to receive a box:
Please make arrangements for a friend to pick up your box, or we can donate it to the LifeCycles gleaning program.


2025 Pricing:

Season 1 (Feb-Jun) - bi-weekly boxes only

*Delivery - 9 x $42 per box = $378

*Farm Pick Up - 9 x $35 = $315


Season 2 (Jun-Sep) and Season 3 (Sep-Dec) - bi-weekly or weekly boxes

Each Season is 14 weeks:

*Delivery - 14 x $47 = $658 weekly, or 7 x $47 = $329 bi-weekly 

*Farm Pick Up - 14 x $40 = $560 weekly, or 7 x $40 = $280 bi-weekly


Signing up

You can sign up by contacting Christine at soboxcoordinator@gmail.com or 250-661-8974.

Paying for your box:

We prefer e-transfers; as a small business, they provide the best way to keep our fees (and our box prices) down. We also accept cheques in the mail, and can accept credit card payments.

To pay by e-transfer:
  1. From your on-line banking website choose INTERAC e-transfer.
  2. Transfer to “Saanich Organics”
  3. Send by email to: payments.saanichorganics@gmail.com
  4. Message: In the message box, tell us which account you’re paying for. For example Sarah Smith might be paying for her mother Mary’s box. Clearly state the name of the Saanich Organics account holder.
To pay by cheque:

Cheques can be made out to Saanich Organics and mailed to:

Saanich Organics
1438 Mt. Newton Cross Rd.
Saanichton, BC   V8M 1S1

If the name on the cheque is different from the name of the box recipient, please note box recipient’s name in the memo.

Allow approximately 10 business days for your cheque to show up in your account. We will email you to confirm when your cheque has been received.


How we plan the box?

Planning the box is a fun and challenging puzzle each week. During the lean times of the year (winter and early spring), Perry makes a well-rounded box from roots, storage crops, frozen treats, and hearty greens. He has to ration his favourites to make sure we have enough to last until spring, while also considering that the longer crops stay in storage or in the field, the higher the risk of losses due to rotting, splitting, or bolting.

Summer and fall present an entirely different challenge. Perry will often have 20 different veggies to choose from, and has to decide which selection will be the best. Some customers would prefer larger quantities of fewer items, while others may prefer to try small amounts of many crops. Some are traditionalists, while others want the most unusual varieties we can grow. Perry considers the price of each item as he balances different colours, textures, shapes, and flavours.


Box Contents for week of March 24th:

Blueberries, frozen

Cilantro (or green onions)

Kale (or chard)





Sprouting Brassicas