Box Program FAQs

How do prices compare to the grocery store?
We spend a long time thinking about how to value to the food we produce. While grocery stores adjust their prices to reflect supply, demand and food trends, we have to think in more basic terms, like how much labour is involved. Accordingly, our prices are static for the year while grocery store prices are wide ranging. Many of the staples in your box like chard, kale, squash and lettuce are often cheaper than the grocery store but harder-to-grow specialty items like carrots and broccoli are more expensive. We guarantee you the highest quality produce with flavour that will “wow” you with its simple authenticity.

Can we make substitutions?
Because we have small farms, and because we’re farmers first (rather than administrators), we’re not able to make substitutions. Some of our customers who have strong dislikes have a friend, family member, or neighbor who is also a box customer so they can arrange trades.

Can I order larger quantities?
Occasionally we’ll have a bumper crop that allows us to offer special bulk orders (flats of strawberries or cases of tomatoes). If this happens, we’ll let you know in the newsletter.

What comes in the winter box?
To maintain variety in the winter box, we include frozen berries or tomatoes, and dry beans.  The miracle of living in this area is that you can expect fresh braising greens, carrots, rutabaga, celeriac, beets, parsley, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, and storage crops like squash, potatoes, and garlic.

What happens if I go away on vacation?
At the time you sign up for the season, you can schedule one box to skip (without paying). After the season begins, if you need to miss a box we suggest you arrange to have a friend pick it up and enjoy it.  If this isn’t possible, we’ll donate the produce from your box to LifeCycles’ gleaning program.