CSA Pricing


2025 Pricing:

Season 1 (Feb-Jun) - bi-weekly boxes only

*Delivery - 9 x $42 per box = $378

*Farm Pick Up - 9 x $35 = $315


Season 2 (Jun-Sep) and Season 3 (Sep-Dec) - bi-weekly or weekly boxes

Each Season is 14 weeks:

*Delivery - 14 x $47 = $658 weekly, or 7 x $47 = $329 bi-weekly 

*Farm Pick Up - 14 x $40 = $560 weekly, or 7 x $40 = $280 bi-weekly


Signing up

You can sign up by contacting Christine at soboxcoordinator@gmail.com or 250-661-8974.

Paying for your box:

We prefer e-transfers; as a small business, they provide the best way to keep our fees (and our box prices) down. We also accept cheques in the mail, and can accept credit card payments.

To pay by e-transfer:
  1. From your on-line banking website choose to transfer funds through an INTERAC e-transfer.
  2. Transfer to “Saanich Organics”
  3. Send by email to: payments.saanichorganics@gmail.com
  4. Message: In the message box, tell us which account you’re paying for. For example Sarah Smith might be paying for her mother Mary’s box. Clearly state the name of the Saanich Organics account holder.

Note: We are now using auto-deposit, so you will no longer be asked to enter a security question. We will send you a confirmation when your payment has been received.

To pay by cheque:

Cheques can be made out to Saanich Organics and mailed to:

Saanich Organics
1438 Mt. Newton Cross Rd.
Saanichton, BC   V8M 1S1

If the name on the cheque is different from the name of the box recipient, please note box recipient’s name in the memo.

Allow approximately 10 business days for your cheque to show up in your account. We will email you to confirm when your cheque has been received.